Which airlines flew over Belarus last week? – Flightradar24 Blog
Take a closer look at Which airlines flew over Belarus last week?, learn more about flight tracking and get the latest aviation news with Flightradar24. — Read on www.flightradar24.com/blog/which-airlines-flew-over-belarus-last-week/...
‘Why Don’t They Just Land?’: Why the Best Diversion Airport May Not Be the Closest – FlightRadar24
We take a closer look at what happens when a flight diverts and why sometimes the aircraft don’t just land at the nearest airport. What’s the best strategy to find a diversion airport? — Read on www.flightradar24.com/blog/why-dont-they-just-land-why-the-best-diversion-airport-may-not-be-the-closest/...
Will airlines recover from COVID-19 crisis?
I have been tracking planes in Hong Kong for few years now with my Raspberry Pi based ADSB trackers. There are few airports in range (Hong Kong, Macau, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Huizhou), which was giving me quite some traffic (about 2000-2200 different aircraft per day). Then came COVID-19. Many...