SigFox for Raspberry Pi 4
The hardware First you need to find a Sigfox hat for your Raspberry Pi. Just Google “Sigfox for Raspberry Pi” and you will find the latest solution available. I am using a RPISIGFOX, made my SNOC. Pretty easy to setup and use. Just plug it in, change the serial...
My ADS-B tracker project
Some years ago, I bumped into an article on Mashable about Jeremy Merrill using a Raspberry Pi ADS-B tracker to detect aircraft flying over his house and display the origin or destination of that plane (see article here and github there). As my place is just on a busy...
ADS-B tracking with an off grid Raspberry Pi
I have been looking for a solution to do ADS-B tracking off grid for quite a while. I have several Piaware trackers in different setup (fixed one at home, mobile one with GPS in the car, mobile one that I take with me when I travel abroad), and I...