Check out the latest additions to my list of plane tracking websitesGo

My ADS-B tracker project

Some years ago, I bumped into an article on Mashable about Jeremy Merrill using a Raspberry Pi ADS-B tracker to detect aircraft flying over his house and display the origin or destination of that plane (see article here and github there). As my place is just on a busy...

All trackers offline

Due to national security concerns at home and COVID-19 travel restrictions, that block me to access my remote trackers which have crashed, I don’t have any more live ADS-B tracker. Working on getting new ones up and running....

How I monitor my Raspberry Pi trackers

In time, I have added several trackers everywhere I could, and I am using several other Pi for other use (Plex media player, home automation, …). In order to deploy and monitor them remotely I am using several tools: GitHub, AnyDesk, Cockpit, Graphs1090 and FlightAware. GitHub Github is where...