Author: FoxCharlie

US NAVY using ADS-B code hopping for its P8 over South China Sea


3 simple PHP tips to optimize your code

How I divided my server errors by 40 with this 3 tips This 3 PHP tips are based on first hand experience, as I have been running several Raspberry Pi based trackers for a while, and I wanted to create a common database of detected aircraft and their positions....

SigFox for Raspberry Pi 4

The hardware First you need to find a Sigfox hat for your Raspberry Pi. Just Google “Sigfox for Raspberry Pi” and you will find the latest solution available. I am using a RPISIGFOX, made my SNOC. Pretty easy to setup and use. Just plug it in, change the serial...

Breitling Jet Team

Breitling Jet Team, operated by Apache Aviation is based in Dijon, a city in France few hundreds kilometres south east of Paris. My mobile tracker picked most of the team when I spent few weeks in Chalon our Saone early 2020. Breitling Jet Team is flying on Aero L39C...

US military planes in South China Sea

There are a lot of US military activity in the area between Taiwan, Hong Kong and the South China Sea. Transports, SIGINT, reconnaissance, protection of US carriers in the area… mainly conducted by the US Air Force and the US Navy. Here is a list of planes seen in...